6 lbs, 8 oz
20 inches
Our hearts are bursting with love for this kid!
Delivery went smoothly and both Jenny and Zaeda are doing great. Without going into too much detail, everything went much more smoothly than with Oliver two and a half years ago (he was c-section). Zaeda came naturally and arrived just 3 or 4 hours after we checked in.
The first name comes from Jenny’s grandmother, the middle name from Keith’s grandmother. Other than that she’s as healthy and as cute as newborn babies get, there’s only so much more we can tell at this point. She was pretty quiet the first day, barely crying when she was hungry. However by day two she found her voice and is now wailing away when she needs to. We can’t wait to see how her hair and eye color come in.
Oliver was fascinated with his little sister and reacted with love and curiosity. He kept saying “I like her!” and pretty soon was telling everyone “My baby sister’s name is Zaeda!” (We hadn’t told him the name before she was born).
Oliver even decorated the nurse’s whiteboard with pictures.