Sunday, August 19, 2012

Oliver graduates from Pre-Kindergarten! NEXT: Real Kindergarten

The proud graduate.

Oliver has been in a YMCA Daycare program since he was 3 month old. Zaeda as well. We love the staff at the downtown Portland school. It's near PSU and there are many energetic and devoted young teachers who provide a great program for our children. The location is just 5 years old, which means that Oliver's cohort, the boys and girls who have joined the program with him as infants and toddlers, are the first to go from start to finish.

On Saturday Oliver and his classmates graduated at a very cute ceremony at a nearby church. This marks for many the last days they will see each other.  Portland alone has 49 elementary schools, with that number again in the surrounding region.

The YMCA is just around the corner from Portland's Old Church, built in 1885. They rented the church for Oliver  pre-K graduation ceremony.

Before the ceremony, their teacher goes over the program with them.

Lining up to go out and perform for the crowd of family members. Only one kid in the room seems really jazzed about this.

Oliver will especially miss his crush,
Isabella (left, purple dress)

Off they go.

Goofing off with best friend Nolan and little brother, Sammy.

Next up for Oliver is being part of the first kindergarten group to start at the brand new Trillium Creek Elementary school, opening it's doors to the public for the first time next week.

POSTSCRIPT: After years of wonderful service and quite rough use by our budding little photographer, it is clear that the powers of our old Sony Digital Camera are severely diminished. I can't tell you how many times the thing has been dropped. But it's always been there for us.  We are ready to be doing some camera shopping today.

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