Sunday, October 21, 2012

Palm Springs

After Disneyland, we got to spend some time near Palm Springs.

Jenny and I got away for a bit to explore the famous tramway the runs from the sunny and warm valley out of Palm Springs, up 8,500 feet to the top of a a chilly alpine forest. We were prepared for the drop in temperature (from 85+ to about 38 degrees), but it surprised us all the same to start the day in shorts, and just an hour later find ourselves hiking in snow fall.  The views of the forest and of the the expansive valley below were amazing.

The kids relaxing in the pool

We took a day trip to Joshua Tree park, which was stunning, and a bit strange, with large rock formations spread over many square miles.

I was looking for lizards as I walked with the kids, but it was only when the kids ran ahead of me that I spotted a few of these fellows.

Skull rock

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