Tuesday, November 28, 2006

One Month Old

Oliver is a month old today. So far so good. We're so happy to have a healthy burping, wailing, pooping, farting, hand-waving, finger clutching, eating baby boy. Did you notice I didn't mention sleeping? Well, he does sleep, but not for long. Jenny and I are the classic sleep-deprived newborn zombie parents. We're trying to establish a schedule, which involves a bath at a certain time, feeding at a certain time, and a "goin to bed" time when we all settle down in the dark bedroom.

Unfortunately, Oliver is still on his own time, and when he's hungry, bored, or lonely every 30 minutes throughout the night, we do our best to give him what he needs. Because I'm working and Jenny is on maternity leave, I get to play the, "I need my sleep to keep my job" card, which buys me the privilege of turning over and trying to sleep for 70% of his nighttime fussiness. The rest of them, I'm trying the rocking chair, the pacifier, and my new magic weapon, the Baby Bjorn. It straps him to my chest and he settles right down. But only if I'm moving around -- which means that if I want to sooth him, it's also a good time to do the dishes, sweep & vacuum the floor, etc.

Jenny can usually quiet him down by feeding. Now that she's pumping, I can try that too.

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