Five months old!
Oliver is sitting up more and more, but he's still prone to toppling over. The good thing is that no matter how he lands, he's able to wiggle into a new position that works for him and play time is lasting longer and longer. Jenny has been spreading out a blanket and a "C"-shaped pillow we originally got for feeding him. Now it's a useful cushion. We can set him in it and he can sit up and play with toys or with his feet. As we bustle about in the mornings and evenings, we set him down and he'll watch us. He also keeps a close eye on the dog and cats. They don't seem to mind that his "petting" involves clutching a clump of their fur for as long as he can hang on. They'll like him even more when he starts dropping food on the floor. -Keith
Oliver you have the biggest, sweetest smile. Everything is so new, exciting, and wonderful for you to enjoy. What a spectacular time you are going to have growing up with all the people who love you, your Mom and Dad teaching you all the exciting and sometimes not so exciting things they know how to do, and learning to be kind to animals because they really are very special critters that enrich our lives. Grab onto them whenever you can because they, particular kitties, can be hard to catch sometimes, but once you catch them they are so much fun to pet. Have a good weekend learning something new. I wish I could be there to see you. Love you. Grandma Mimi
oliver - you are such a cutie! i can't wait to meet you. oxo Melissa
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