Sunday, December 07, 2008

Back to the Tree Farm

This is our third year going to the same tree farm, which we first stumbled upon while driving through the countryside around North Plains. The place is owned by a very nice couple with an incredible house, a beautiful view, and a few acres where they grow Christmas trees. They don’t make a big deal out of it and there are never many people there. This year we found a suitable tree pretty quickly. It was a sunny winter day and we didn’t feel hurried. After I’d cut the tree and lugged it back to the parking lot, Oliver watched as the guy put the tree in a machine to shake out the needles. Then he had hot chocolate.

Back at the house, we faced the struggle of explaining why we hang so many awesome toys on the tree where they can’t be played with. That is an ongoing discussion.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow..the kitchen looks great!