Thursday, June 25, 2009

A bit more from last week

Our neighbors, the Lapour Family, generously brought dinner by last Thursday evening. It was a wonderful turkey chili with homemade biscuits and cookies for dessert. Keith happened to be working late that night so a meal delivered (it was still warm) was a welcome gesture. Even better was that there was plenty for lunches the next day! Thank you! Oliver couldn’t wait to try the biscuits. He kept asking for one until I finally gave in. When I asked him who made the biscuits he replied, “Rhett’s mommy made them”.

In addition to the great meal, Autumn made the kids name banners. For months I’ve wanted to decorate one of the walls in their room with their names. I had actually spent that morning at Jo-Ann’s Fabrics looking at paper-mache letters, wood letters and stencils. I couldn’t decide what to do so I ended up leaving empty-handed. The banners are wonderful and perfect for their room. Autumn has a store on Etsy. It was through Autumn’s blog that I first learned about Etsy. I can spend hours looking at all the goodies.

I’m terrible at taking pictures and do not do the banners justice. I plan to put pictures between the names.

Oliver continues to dote on his little sister. Kissing her all over and singing to her. These are some of the things I overheard him saying to her.

“Hi bootaful (beautiful) little fella.”
“Hi buddy.”
“Hi Zaeda Patayta (potato).” Keith taught him this one and it is by far his favorite.

While he adores his sister, it is hard for him that I can’t jump up and take care of his requests. A couple of things he has asked me.

“Is Zaeda eating, again?!”
“Can you make me a snack with one hand?”

He is learning patience and is doing pretty well with sharing his parents, grandparents, aunts/uncles, etc with his little sister. -Jenny

1 comment:

Autumn and Dan's family said...

I'm so glad you liked the food and the banners! You four are great neighbors to have. We love our visits from Oliver from down the block.