Friday, June 26, 2009

Father’s Day

I’ll blog about our Father’s Day because I have more time than Keith does these days. A couple days before Father’s Day, I gave Oliver a card and envelope and asked him if he wanted to sign it. He grabbed his crayons and started to work on the envelope. I guess he prefered a blank canvas. I peeked at the envelope and asked him what he was drawing and he answered, “this is my daddy”. Naturally I’m proud of anything my son makes but even this one surprised me. Later that day we had some guests and Oliver came across a card for them. He announced to the room that he had made a card for his daddy. Note to self—don’t share any surprises or secrets with Oliver. Not that the card was a huge surprise but in addition to his drawing skills his memory is getting better too.

We let Keith sleep in a little and when we got to our room, it didn’t take too much prompting for Oliver to wish his daddy a Happy Father’s Day. It was pretty cute. I’m still amazed sometimes how far his language skills have come.

We headed to McMinnville for breakfast on the farm. Oliver’s Uncle Joe had mentioned that there were strawberries to be picked. Here are a few shots of Oliver picking and eating strawberries. He had a great time and we came home with strawberries, basil, sweet peas and broccoli. Yum! -Jenny

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